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Demon Within Page 5
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Page 5
‘Eloise, I want to come with you. You can ask your father to insist its part of the agreement.’
‘You would want this? Knowing all that you know?’ Puzzled at Nissa’s request, she couldn’t let her follow her. Interrupted by Roulan, Eloise and Nissa hadn’t seen him approach and jumped at his words.
‘What are you two doing?’ Staring at the tear-stained faces, he sneered. ‘You’d better not let father see you looking like that. Go and get ready, we’ll be leaving soon. If you keep sniveling you’re going make your face puffy, and we don’t want that do we?’
Nissa grabbed Roulan’s jacket and started shoving him. ‘You’re a pig! I hate you!’
‘Be careful Nissa!’ Roulan wrapped his hands over hers and pulled them off him. Squeezing tight he held her fists and continued. ‘You’ll be needing work after Eloise has gone, be careful you don’t say something you’ll regret.’ Shoving her forward, he released her hands.
Roulan turned and marched towards the horses. He’d press his father after Eloise was married to have Nissa remain in service as housemaid; she’d be sorry she’d lashed out.
Nissa took a deep breath as she watched Roulan leave; there was no way she wanted to remain at Brightstone Castle if Eloise wasn’t going to be there. ‘You should go and speak to your father.’
‘Are you sure Nissa?’ She knew she’d never liked her brother, and worried now he might take advantage of her after she’d gone. But, what would be worse for her? Wouldn’t it be better than what waited for her in Blackhill?
‘Yes, I am. Please, go now. He’s with Leon by the second carriage. I saw them before I came over to find you.’
With a final hug before she left to speak with her father, Eloise regretted her anger towards Nissa. Too late to take it back, her only redemption was to convince her father to let her stay with her. Taking a deep breath, she gave Nissa a smile.
‘How do I look?’
‘I’m glad you’re not holding back Nissa, thank you.’ Wiping her face with the sleeve of her dress, she tried to look presentable. Sly looks from Nissa confirmed her futile attempts to hide her upset were impossible.
‘I know! You don’t have to say anything, I’m going!’
Raising her hand before Nissa could speak; Eloise turned and marched towards the other carriage. Talking to herself the whole time, trying to convince herself she could be brave. It hadn’t worked; as she approached her father and Leon, her stomach lurched. Leon turned as he heard someone approaching, and surprised to see Eloise, he gave her a warm smile and a friendly greeting.
‘Good Morning my Lady, I trust you slept well?’ Giving a gentle bow, Leon’s eyes never left her face. Before he spoke further, Garlan chipped in.
‘You look awful! What the hell have you been doing?’
‘I haven’t slept and I… I had something in my eye.’
Garlan narrowed his eyes and stared hard. ‘It looks to me like you’ve been crying.’ Removing his glove, he tucked it under his arm. His hand reached to her chin and pushed it higher to get a better look at her face. ‘You’d better see if Dori has something to take down the puffiness around your eyes.’ Eloise lowered her head to the floor. ‘It won’t do Eloise. This is an important day, what do you think Kai is going to think when I present you?’
Slowing her breathing, she remained calm. ‘Forgive me father, I’ll make you proud of me, I promise.’
The trembling in her voice caught Leon’s attention. Something wasn’t right, suspicious Roulan had something to do with her distress; he encouraged her to speak further.
‘I’m sure you will look your best my Lady, as always.’ His smile and gentle words made Eloise relax.
‘Thank you Leon, you’re very kind.’ Eloise hesitated then addressed her father. ‘If you would be so kind, I would ask a favor.’
‘Go on.’
‘Would you allow Nissa to stay with me, after I leave Brightstone?’
Garlan thought for a moment. His only concern was Kai, although he didn’t see how it would be an issue, he’d be getting another woman in the deal.
Garlan valued Leon’s input. ‘Do you think it would cause any problems?’
Before Leon replied he glanced to Eloise, who waited patiently. Her trembling implied this was important to her.
‘I think it could only aid the proposition Sire.’ Casting a sideways glance back to Eloise, he saw the relief in her eyes as he answered.
She knew her father always listened to advice from Leon and gave a hint of a smile back to Leon.
‘You can have your wish.’ Replacing his glove and clapping his hands together, he finally turned to look at her. ‘I suggest you go and make yourself presentable. We’re leaving shortly.’
Before she could thank him, he’d turned and marched with haste towards Roulan. Eloise blew out a long breath, as if she’d been holding it in the whole time. She clutched her hand across her chest, and closed her eyes before Leon’s soft voice fell close to her ear.
‘Do you want to tell me what that was all about my Lady?’
She shook her head. Too afraid if she spoke, she’d start crying again. Leon gave her a knowing look and touched his hand to her cheek.
‘Very well, my Lady. But I wonder if I could ask something?’ He paused, and waited for Eloise’s to nod her approval before continuing. ‘Does this have anything to do with Roulan?’
Eloise didn’t need to reply, the wide-eyed expression on her face told him the answer. Leon huffed and mumbled under his breath. He knew it. Pursing his lips together, he gave Eloise a smile.
‘Thank you my Lady. I think you should hurry along and let Nissa attend your needs. We’re moving as soon as your father mounts up.’ He whispered close to her ear, ‘Although, that may take some time.’ His chuckle made Eloise break her silence and giggle.
Leon had shown Eloise respect throughout her life. Always kind and gentle, she would miss his comforting words. If she left Brightstone, to start a new life in Blackhill, she hoped her and Leon would meet again in the future.
‘Thank you Leon, I’ll go and make myself ready.’
She left and raced over to the carriage to tell Nissa the good news. While it still unnerved her, as she thought about her future with the barbarian, she at least had Nissa for comfort. They had a few hours of travelling until they reached Littlewood and Eloise began to worry about meeting her intended.
Chapter 5
Caitlin sighed as she watched Jace fasten the reins of his horse to the tree stump. All other things were insignificant when she raked her eyes up and down his form. He’s beautiful. Stunningly gorgeous, was how she and her sister described him when they set eyes on him.
Jace of Stonegarth had become a handsome and eligible young man. His parents had taught him morality and respect, the values of fairness and honesty, and never to take anything for granted. His upbringing, considered privileged by some, enabled time for learning and study of all subjects, including his favorite; fencing and sword fighting. Tutored by an expert sword-fighter at home, he’d become skillful in a little time. While the morning’s news from Brightstone had put on hold his father’s plans, he knew one day he’d be able to fight by his side, and make him proud.
The air, still warm with the last of the summer heat, made for a pleasant ride in the hills. After paying for his new scabbard, made by Caitlin’s father, Jace asked if he could take his eldest daughter for a ride in the countryside. Promising they would return before supper, he assured her father his intentions were honorable. The Tanner knew Jace from his frequent visits to town with his father, and allowed the outing.
The shade of the oak tree shielded Caitlin’s soft skin from the sun’s rays as she lay back on her elbows beneath Jace’s coat. Moving her eyes from his boots, all the way up his soft leather pants and higher, as he approached to sit by her side. Continuing to his open shirt which brought out a powerful chest, overlaid with a soft dusting of hair, she f
inally halted her gaze when she looked at his cheerful face.
‘What are you smiling at?’
Her whole face glowed when he moved nearer. There wasn’t anything unlikeable about him. Considering herself fortunate of his attention, she smiled as he lay next to her; his head propped up on one arm.
‘I’m just admiring the view.’ Coolly she replied.
‘Anything particular you like?’
Caitlin nodded. ‘Everything I see.’
Jace’s shoulder-length hair stirred gently in the breeze. Heart wrenchingly beautiful green eyes, full of mischief, gazed back at her. With the hope of a seductive afternoon, she sucked in a deep breather and sighed. Her sister and friends would be jealous when they heard of her outing.
After their first meeting she was unable to remove him from her thoughts, and couldn’t wait for Jace to return to the Tannery. Surprised by his request to take her riding, and after her father granted permission, Caitlin couldn’t contain her excitement. She never considered herself beautiful, although often complimented on her cheery smile and pleasant behavior, she used what she had. Her red, golden hair and blue eyes made for an odd combination. With pale skin like buttermilk, dusted with freckles, she felt her sister Liana had received her mother’s looks instead of herself. But to her advantage, she did have the most lovable smile, which formed dimples on her creamy soft cheeks. Her father often said she could charm any man with her dazzling smile.
Caitlin hadn’t thought how the afternoon would play out. But she knew if Jace kissed her, with those perfectly formed, sinfully wicked lips, she would be his for eternity. A faultless smile formed on his face, and the lips that would be her undoing, drew closer.
‘I like everything I see too. I’ve been lucky in discovering such a great beauty spot.’
Jace leaned close when he spoke. His gentle voice and warm breath made her lose all concentration.
Biting her lower lip, she bent her head casually to face him; mesmerized by hooded jade eyes, she fell under his alluring spell. Caitlin’s heart thumped in her chest. How could a man be so beautiful? Starving for his touch, and darting her eyes from his lips to his eyes, she prayed he’d close the distance between their mouths, before she died of hunger.
Jace was so close to Caitlin, he could feel her warm breath against his lips. Her breaths were heavy, and the excitement in her eyes told him she needed kissing. Moving forward, he closed the gap and slanted his mouth over hers. She welcomed his advance with a quiet sigh. The touch was soft and delicate. Jace had kissed more than his fair share of young ladies and he excelled in the task. With a slight flick of his tongue he licked at the seam of their lips before slipping it into her mouth.
Caitlin sighed when his tongue breached her lips. The intoxicating taste of him made her light-headed. She’d wanted Jace from the moment she’d seen him. This was an opportunity Caitlin had no intention of missing, she would make Jace hers, and be the envy of Stonegarth.
Sweet as honey, Jace tasted Caitlin’s lips and instantly wanted more. Pushing his tongue into her mouth, he waited for her protest, but instead found her welcoming response. A playmate for his tongue greeted him enthusiastically, sending a shock straight to his groin. He hadn’t expected it, but Caitlin’s tongue glided against his, and enticed him deeper. Their kissing was passionate and intense. After one kiss ended, another began immediately. He kissed the corner of her mouth and grazed his lips down her chin and her neck. His tender kisses drove her wild with need and wanting. She couldn’t breathe, but didn’t care, and each time his mouth tried to leave hers, she pulled him tighter, almost clawing to hold him fast.
Caitlin’s hands were all over Jace. Without warning she pressed on his chest with her hands and pushed him onto his back. Jace lay still with wide eyes. Straddling him while she hitched up her dress, she pinned him to the ground.
‘Caitlin, what are you doing?’
His eyes widened after her hands slid over his groin. Nimble fingers unfasten the lace-ups on his trousers. Grasping her hands before she managed to unfasten the soft leather, he held her fast and stared in disbelief.
‘I want you to make love to me Jace’ She leaned forward, pressing her mouth hard against his before he had time answer. He moved his hands to her shoulders and pushed her back to a sitting position.
‘What?’ He frowned. ‘You need to think about what you just asked!’
‘I don’t need to.’ Confused why he wasn’t smiling at her suggestion, she teased her fingers over the opening of his trousers. ‘What’s wrong? Don’t you want to?’
‘I don’t think your father would be happy if he found out, do you?’
A smile spread across Caitlin’s face.
Oh, he wouldn’t mind at all, he thinks you’d make a…’ She stopped.
Jace rolled Caitlin onto the ground. Jumping up and straightening his shirt, he glared at her while tying up the laces on his trousers.
‘I’d make a good husband... Is that what you were going to say?’
He snatched his coat from the floor then marched towards his horse.
‘Where are you going? I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to say that. I just meant that he thinks you’re a good man.’ Getting up and patting down her dress, she chased after Jace, who’d untied his horse and mounted already.
‘Jace! We don’t have to do that, we can just… kiss.’ Her hand reached to touch his leg to get his attention, but he wasn’t listening.
He couldn’t believe what she’d said and realized if he’d been stupid enough to give her what she wanted, he could have been trapped. Sneaky; he wasn’t going to be anyone’s fool. Kissing and cuddling was fun, but he knew when to stop. When he married, it would be for love, and not because he couldn’t keep his pants on. His face was angry when he looked down to Caitlin; holding out his hand to her he snapped.
‘I’m taking you home, get up behind me!’
Caitlin didn’t want to, but knew there wasn’t any point in trying to persuade him to stay, not now. Huffing out a long breath, reluctantly she took his hand. Settling behind him, she wrapped her arms around his waist. Caitlin leaned her head against his back, and knew this was the last time she’d touch him.
Jace didn’t say a word for the whole journey. He was angry and couldn’t wait to drop her off and return home.
Caster decided he was going to tell Jace about the new plans as soon as he returned. Sitting in the study, alone with his thoughts, he knew in his heart, he was making the right decision. He hoped Jace would see warring wasn’t the answer to every situation. Caster knew his son to be a bright, intelligent young man, and with this in mind, felt he’d be agreeable to the new plan.
When the problems over the land redistribution first started, it took his mind away from thoughts of his personal revenge against Garlan. Focusing his attention on the issues of the Highlands, he gained respect and admiration for the way he’d handled everything. King Garlan made an attempt to plunder the Highlands. Bringing in a new law, he’d instructed his army to secure and gain control of the lands in the North.
Redistributing the Highlands was Garlan's way of saying he wanted the extra land for himself. Skirmishes began along the border between the Highlands and Middenland. Many landowners fought alone to defend their rights to keep what they’d inherited or bought legally.
The Kings soldiers pressed further into the Highlands. After Caster rallied the Highlanders to fight together, the King’s army retreated. Caster, now appointed Lord of Stonegarth, proved to be a formidable leader. Encourage by everyone to advance an attack on Brightstone, he’d set out to make the Highlanders proud. News of this reached King Garlan, and remaining quiet, fearing this new rival, he withdrew his army and avoided any further confrontation.
Caster made the army stronger with financial aid from everyone in the Highlands; he would be able to defeat the King and his army and looked forward to the day with enthusiasm, until today’s news halted the plan.
br /> Looking towards the door and hearing Jace greet his mother; he frowned at his early return. After a short while, Jace joined him. Sitting opposite his father, Jace relaxed in the leather chair and blew out a long sigh.
‘I’m guessing your afternoon didn’t go as planned?’ Raising his eyebrows Caster stared at is son. ‘Losing your touch?’ He sniggered.
Jace pushed his hair behind his ear and avoided his father’s gaze.
Waiting to hear what made him somber; he reached to the side table and poured a glass of port. Handing it to Jace, he gave a concerned stare. Sipping casually, he remained silent. Jace wasn’t usually this quiet. Something upset him, and he hoped it wasn’t because of the news that morning.
‘Do we need to start planning a wedding?’ His father joked.
Jace glared at his father. ‘Not on my account.’
‘Well, that’s good to hear, you had me worried there for a moment. Didn’t your sword fit the scabbard?’ Caster chortled.
‘It fits perfectly, thank you. The Tanner did a good job, but I don’t think that’s what you’re asking.’ His lips curved in answer. ‘Let’s just say, I had a lucky escape, and leave it there.’
Raising his brows in surprise Caster changed the subject.
‘I’ve made a decision about Brightstone.’ Pausing, he turned his glass in his hand while staring into it. ‘I want you and me to travel to Blackhill. I’ll speak with Kai of Darkmide about his alliance with Garlan.’
Slowly bringing his eyes to meet Jace, he watched for a reaction. Not replying immediately, Jace thought for a moment. He’d a suspicion there would be changes, but knowing his father made good choices, he didn’t have any concerns.
‘I’m sure you’ve thought about this carefully father.’ he leaned forward to touch his hand. ‘I’ll do whatever you want.’
Breathing a sigh of relief Caster took his son's hand and gave it a squeeze. ‘Thank you, it means a lot that you don’t think badly of me.’