Demon Within Read online

Page 4

  She often thought of what he’d look like if he’d lived, thinking maybe there would be similarities between him and Jace, despite having different fathers.

  Thankful for her memories, but never one to dwell on the past, she smiled at how her life was now. Caster was an honest and faithful man, and she’d been fortunate to become his wife. Her mother and father would have surely been proud that she’d married someone with scruples and integrity, but she’d never know. When she’d been able to deal with the death of her baby, she left the family home in Dryden. Taking a small amount of money from her father’s reserve, she left without saying goodbye.


  Caster found solace in one of the upper drawing rooms; the rolling hills of the highlands made his mind less active as he stared outward, giving time for new thoughts to slowly seep through. The letter from his friend, and spy at Brightstone, gave him something to think about. It changed everything. Caster saw it as a good omen. He wondered if someone was trying to send him a message; as if steering him on a better path. Taking in a deep breath, he closed his eyes and stilled his mind. After only a few moments, he opened them quickly.

  ‘Are you going to stand there all morning?’ Caster didn’t need to turn towards the doorway to see Ellanor; he’d known she was there soon after she arrived.

  ‘I didn’t want to disturb your thoughts, but only wanted to make sure you were alright.’

  ‘I’m fine.’ He drew in a deep breath, ‘Though I’d be much better if you came in and told me what you’re thinking.’

  Peering at her from behind the chair he was greeted by a warm smile and he beckoned her with a crook of his finger. Unhurried steps, gave his eyes time to linger. She was his lifesaver. For five years he’d forgotten who he was, had no family that he knew of, and no money. But she’d taken care of him, with nothing more than a promise of loyalty and love, and that one day he would repay her acts of kindness with richness, and good living. He had kept his promise, and never regretted one moment of his life with her by his side.

  Extending his hand as she approached, he pulled her to sit on his lap.

  ‘Now then wife, tell me your thoughts.’

  Ellanor laughed as she settled against him, her hand touched his weathered cheek as she looked into warm eyes. Their soft hazel color reminded her of fallen leaves in the autumn, gold and brown with flecks of brighter fawns making her feel warm inside. She traced her finger across his cheek and remembered how she’d fallen in love with him.

  Injured and unconscious when brought into the Inn where she lived. Compelled to care for him she offered aid to the physician who examined him. Advising he would need care for some time she’d agreed to tend his wounds as instructed, until he was able to fend for himself.

  It was mere chance hunters found him in the forest. They didn’t know he was alive until they moved him. Crying out in agony, he begged for aid. Looking up towards the ledge he’d tumbled from, it was a miracle he’d survived. With a broken leg, covered in cuts, and a large open wound on his shoulder where the jagged rocks had cut him, he was a mess. The journey back to town, where the physician examined him, took some time and he’d fallen in and out of consciousness throughout the journey. The doctor advised his recovery would be slow, but with care, he could be back to full strength and not suffer any long-term problems.

  After the initial fall, he thought death would take him, but when Ellanor offered to take care of him, he felt fate had other plans. Making a remarkable recovery, aided by Ellanor’s tender care, Caster thanked the gods for her nursing. She treated his injuries with lotions and herb remedies as instructed by the doctor. Suffering from amnesia, he had no knowledge of who he was, and spent the next five years making a new life, until he recalled everything.

  His beard felt soft as her finger brushed across his jaw towards his lips, leaning forward she kissed him tenderly.

  ‘I’m not sure my thoughts will help you, as they’re nothing to do with this morning’s event.’ Her eyebrows rose, aided by a smirk.

  ‘Is that so?’ Caster grinned. ‘Maybe we should discuss this further, in the bedroom, then?’ Nestling his face against her neck, he pulled her closer.

  ‘I think that would be a good start to the day, and since Jace won’t be back for lunch, we could make an afternoon of it.’

  Ellanor smoothed her hand down to his open shirt; she popped another button, and then slid her hand inside before she brushed her fingertips over his chest.

  ‘What’s he doing? Or is that a silly question?’

  ‘Yes, it’s a silly question.’ She laughed. ‘He’s got so many young ladies after him I don’t think he knows what to do with them all.’ Frowning, she corrected her words. ‘Well, he does, but I think he’s testing all of them. You can’t blame him, he’s handsome.’ Pinching his whiskers she leaned closer. ‘Just like his father.’

  ‘Flattery will get you everywhere.’ Chuckling, he gave her a squeeze.

  He could only hope that his son will be fortunate, and find a good woman to make him happy, as Ellanor had done for him.

  After twenty-four years of marriage, Ellanor loved that they were playful together; but now it was time to be serious. Always offering guidance to Caster she never told him what to do, but gave him her thoughts and left it with him to do as he pleased.

  ‘I know the letter has brought unexpected news, what are your thoughts?’

  Caster’s expression became serious as he thought before answering.

  ‘I wonder if this is a sign, that there’s another option to be had.’ Hesitating, his eyes met hers. ‘And my plans to continue with the siege of Brightstone Castle will not be the right path to take.’

  Surprised at his reply, Ellanor couldn’t speak. For nineteen years, since his memories returned after the accident, he’d set his mind on revenge for what had been taken from him.

  ‘I know, you think I’ve gone mad.’ He added.

  ‘No, I don’t.’ She touched her fingertips to his lips, and stopped him before he continued.

  His hand wrapped around her fingers that were pressed to his mouth, and pulled them to rest in his lap.

  ‘I think you’re right to look for another resolution, and you know I’ve never spoken against your plans for the overthrow of Brightstone Castle. But I’m pleased that you’re thinking your issue can be resolved by other means.’

  ‘You don’t think me a coward?’

  ‘No, my love, I don’t. There’s more bravery in admitting you want to look for another way to resolve this, rather than continuing your plans.’

  ‘What about Jace? I don’t think he’ll feel the same.’

  ‘Have faith in your son Caster. He loves you, and will do whatever you command, without question or doubting your reasons.’

  Ellanor moved her hand to his face and stroked his cheek. Kissing his forehead, she rested her lips against him for a moment before pulling away to look at him.

  ‘I think you should meet with Kai of Darkmide, at Blackhill.’

  Caster’s eyes widened. ‘Are you mad, woman?’

  ‘Maybe it’s time for you to make peace and suggest an alliance with everyone. If Kai does marry Garlan’s daughter, then he’s already in the agreement. You can request to join.’ Ellanor paused. ‘I know you think I’m mad, but I believe this will be good for everyone.’

  ‘You’re right, I do think you’re mad, but for different reasons.’ He chuckled. Ellanor tugged at his beard for his jest.

  Caster thought for a moment. He would introduce himself to Kai, and let him know why he was feuding with Garlan. But not tell him everything, and wait for confirmation that Kai is marrying Garlan’s daughter. Caster would see how the land lies at Blackhill, before jumping in feet first.

  Hazel eyes narrowed together with a side grin. ‘I knew there was a reason I married you.’

  Ellanor sat upright, showing her profile and looking down her nose, with a humorous glint in her eye. ‘You mean, aside from my beauty and brains?’

  ‘Yes.’ He chortled.

  ‘If you keep flattering me like that, we won’t leave the bedroom for supper, let alone lunch!’

  Caster rested his finger to his chin, feigning thinking for a moment. ‘My wife, there is no one more intelligent, witty, beautiful, humorous…’

  Ellanor sighed against his forehead and sealed her lips over his, interrupting his barrage of compliments. She loved they were still friends and lovers, after all the years they’d spent together. He listened to her opinions, and didn’t always agree with them, but it didn’t matter.

  Caster’s arm slipped around her waist. ‘Ellanor, you are a beautiful woman with a gentle soul. I’d be lost without you.’

  Ellanor could feel the moisture start to pool in her eyes as he continued.

  ‘I love you.’

  ‘And I love you my husband, always.’

  Embraced in silence for a moment there was nothing more he needed to say. Ellanor would accept whatever decision he made, the fact he listened to her was enough. Turning to look out the window, she cast her gaze over the hills and green fields. Touching the gold pendant that rested against her chest, she raised her eyes towards the heavens, and thanked her guardian angel for her blessed life.

  Chapter 4

  The sun was barely up yet; Eloise huddled around the fire with the cook while having breakfast.

  ‘Thank you.’ Eloise accepted the plate from Dori with a smile.

  Taking a delicate bite of the sweet bun, but unable to continue eating, Eloise had lost her appetite. Nerves had the better of her and she smiled forgivingly at Dori as she handed back the unfinished pastry.

  ‘Sorry Dori, I’m not feeling hungry.’

  ‘Not to fret my Lady, here, drink this. It’ll settle your stomach.’

  Dori had made a fruit tea with berries and herbs to warm her bones and ease her aches.

  Taking a small sip, and surprised at the flavor, Eloise drank more.

  ‘It's not good making you travel all this way. It’s not fitting for a lady…I mean Princess.’ Dori quickly corrected herself, ‘He should be coming to meet you at the castle.’

  Dori was right in some respects. But Kai refused. Insisting they met halfway, it was the only option he offered.

  Sneezing, then apologizing to Eloise, Dori shivered and added more wood to the fire.

  ‘Are you un-well Dori?

  ‘I’m good, I’ve just got a bit of a chill, don’t worry, I will be fine. Drink your tea before it gets cold.’

  Eloise frowned at Dori’s large frame and could see she was trembling from cold; she started to remove her cloak despite Dori’s protests.

  ‘What are you doing? You’ll catch your death!’

  ‘You need it more than I do. Where we would be if you fell ill? We’d all starve to death.’

  Eloise chuckled then placed her cloak around the cook’s shoulders. It didn’t fit, but it sheltered her well enough.

  ‘You’re very kind my Lady.’ Dori was humbled. In her mind King Garlan had made a mistake giving his daughter over to the former slave; it broke her heart that a delicate beauty was forced to marry a man with a cruel reputation. Eloise saw the change in the cook’s expression.

  ‘What are you thinking?’ There was silence as she put her hand on Dori’s shoulders. ‘You can tell me, I’m a good listener.’

  Eloise's’ gentle words made Dori smiled so wide it made her ruddy cheeks puff up.

  ‘I hope you’ll be alright my Lady. After you’re married, I mean.’

  Eloise swallowed, forcing a smile, ‘I’m sure everything will turn out for the best.’

  ‘I hope so, because after what this… slave did to everyone at Darkmide, I don’t know what your father is thinking.’ Quickly raising her hand she covered her mouth. ‘Forgive me, I shouldn’t be speaking against your fath…the King.’ Her eyes widened.

  Eloise realized this was her opportunity to learn more about Kai. She encouraged Dori.

  ‘Don’t worry; this is between you and me.’ Eloise patted her hand. ‘What happened at Darkmide?’

  Dori was the first person willing to tell her something about Kai of Darkmide. Whenever Eloise asked Nissa or Leon for details about him, they only gave her general information. She knew nothing of Darkmide, or what happened there.

  She handed her tea to Dori. ‘You should drink this; it will stop that chill before it gets worse.’ Eloise pulled the cloak tighter around Dori’s shoulders and encouraged her to continue.

  ‘You were saying?’

  Dori thanked Eloise for her kindness and forgiving nature, she didn’t want to overstep, and thought for a moment before she continued with her story about Kai. Dori enjoyed the caring attention Eloise gave her, and feeling brave, she told her what she knew.

  ‘Well, I’d heard that after he’d broken free from his cell, and freed the others, he chained all the slavers down on the floor.’ Her eyes widened with excitement at the storytelling. ‘Using hot tongs from the fire, he disemboweled them, one by one.’

  She paused to take a sip of the tea, hearing Eloise gasp, she continued.

  ‘Oh, that’s not the worst of it my Lady. While they were still alive, he had the cauldron from the fires brought over and poured liquid gold into the open cavities.’ Dori covered her mouth as she glanced to Eloise, but she couldn’t stop the horrifying details from pouring out of her lips. ‘The screams were heard for miles.’ Nodding her head, ‘He left them to suffer in agony. It took a long time for them to die, is what I’d heard.’

  Dori’s excitement got the better of her, but Eloise’s tears indicated she had overstepped her mark. Her expression was pure disbelief and she gasped, trembling, while her thoughts turned to her father. This man, no-not a man, a barbarian, was going to be her husband, and her father had arranged it. Tears fell onto her cheeks; she didn’t even raise her hands to hide them.

  ‘Oh my sweet child, what have I done?’ She moved towards Eloise but Nissa’s sudden appearance interrupted them.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Nissa scowled. Having heard the tail end of the conversation, she quickly stopped her ranting.

  ‘Dori! Shut up!’ Crouching by Eloise’s side Nissa wrapped her arms around her trembling shoulders.

  ‘Don’t touch me!’ Eloise snapped to Nissa’s surprise.

  ‘You knew about this, didn’t you?’ Her words came out broken while she fought back tears and anger. ‘Tell me Nissa.’ Her tear-filled eyes stared hard at her guilty expression, ‘did you know?’ Needing no answer, Eloise pushed her away and stormed off to the caravan. Running after her, Nissa called out.

  ‘Eloise! Wait! I did it to protect you!’

  ‘Protect me?’ Eloise halted when she reached the caravan and spun around to face Nissa. Anger blazed in her eyes.

  ‘Please Eloise; I didn’t want you to hear those horrible things. They’re rumors, and I know, are wildly exaggerated.’

  ‘And how do you know that?’ Eloise spat out.

  Nissa didn’t know for certain. She wanted Eloise to understand how the facts always became exaggerated. People reveled in storytelling of a man so wicked and evil; he turned into a demon while he killed his victims? It was all fantasy and storytelling for sure.

  ‘Eloise.’ Nissa tugged on her dress. ‘Please Eloise; I didn’t want you to worry any more than necessary. Please understand, I never meant to hurt you. I love you too much.’

  Wiping away tears, Eloise tried to compose herself. The detailed images that played in her mind made her balk. Wishing just once, someone would tell her what they knew instead of keeping everything a secret, she scowled at Nissa.

  ‘Tell me something you know about Kai, and don’t say you don’t know anything Nissa!’

  Nissa chewed her lower lip and thought about a conversation she’d overheard in the kitchen back at Brightstone between Dori and one of the other servants.

  ‘His mother sold him to slavers when he was six, and after that, he was trained to fight. I think...’ she swallowed befor
e continuing. ‘The rumors are that he was wild and… that he was one of the youngest to ever win a fight in the pits.’

  It was hard to believe that a mother would sell her own child.

  ‘Why would a mother do that?’

  Nissa shrugged her shoulders.

  ‘I can’t imagine what it was like…it’s horrible.’ Eloise took a deep breath. ‘Thank you, although I’m sure you know lots more, but we’ll talk later.’

  It started to make Eloise wonder what Roulan and her father knew about Kai, she couldn’t help feel betrayed by them, they must know more. Nissa’s hands clung to Eloise’s dress while tears ran down her cheeks. Eloise knew in her heart, she’d never meant to hurt her. The taste of resentment swelled in her mouth for her father; she thought about what he was doing, practically selling her off for his own gains.

  ‘He’s never loved me.’ Softly spoken words fell to Nissa. ‘All my life, I’ve tried to get his attention, but it's been a waste of time. I know this is revenge for what happened to mother.’

  Nissa frowned. ‘Eloise no, I’m sure that’s not true.’

  ‘Don’t Nissa, don’t you dare stand up for him.’

  Her bitter words surprised Nissa who shuffled on her knees to find a less uncomfortable piece of ground. Narrowing her eyes at Nissa, Eloise reached her hands to the balled fists clutching her dress and pulled her up.

  ‘Get up Nissa. You don’t have anything to beg for.’

  ‘I do.’ Nissa simpered. ‘I should have told you, I’m sorry, truly I am.’

  Eloise pulled Nissa to her feet and hugged her. She was only trying to protect her, and Eloise felt guilty now she’d realized. ‘Forgive me Nissa. I was angry, and-’

  ‘Don’t Eloise.’ Nissa interrupted. ‘Let’s not ruin what we have together.’

  ‘You’re right. And I’m going to miss you very much.’

  Nissa frowned. She’d not thought about her own future. Could she still live and work at Brightstone after Eloise left? How stupid she’d not realized. ‘I want to come with you.’ Nissa blurted out.