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Demon Within Page 8
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Page 8
Garlan handed the bottle back to Kai, who placed it to the side before resting his arms onto his knees. He lowered his head so it was level with Garlan’s, and stared in silence for a few moments. Garlan cleared his throat, not knowing what to expect.
‘Tell me why you want the alliance between us.’ He asked firmly.
‘I thought my envoy gave you all the information in the offer?’ Afraid he’d annoy Kai, he continued. ‘I’m sorry if there was any misunderstanding.’
‘No misunderstanding. I just want to hear it from your own lips.’ Kai leaned forward. ‘I like to see the person I’m doing business with, so I can look into their eyes.’
The direct statement caused Garlan to stutter.
‘Oh. I… I see. Well… the first item, on the agreement, was to unify our forces, in the event of an attack.’
Garlan’s mouth suddenly felt dry. He licked across his lips to moisten them.
‘In return for your aid, we’ll supply you with surplus foods. Oh, and aid with weapons and even horses, should you need them.’ He tensed, but managed a smile. ‘And of course, you’ll marry Eloise, securing our friendship for future years.’ Pausing he narrowed his eyes while he thought. ‘I’m sure that’s everything.’
Kai took everything in and it agreed with what Sabe conveyed to him from the envoy. They did have a document with it written down, but he wanted to hear Garlan repeat it all. There was an issue which he felt needed clarification.
Reaching into the basket, he selected a pie and took a large bite. His narrowing brows made Garlan hold his breath until he swallowed the mouthful and expressed his opinion.
He smirked and took another bite, much to Garlan’s relief.
‘Dori is a godsend. I don’t know what we’d do without her.’ He laughed nervously. Watching Kai finish the pie, his stomach grumbled. He’d love one of Dori’s pies right now, but settled for another taste of wine as Kai offered him the bottle.
‘Tell me about this Highland Lord, who’s after taking your throne.’ Running his tongue over his teeth, he removed all traces of pie crust and meat.
Coughing when the wine didn’t go down properly, Garlan spluttering for a moment, then managed to answer without sounding nervous. Noticing the carving on the log between them, he ran his finger over the chipped wood as he answered.
‘Well, he’s attacked my men along the borders of our lands.’ Garlan glanced up quickly to meet Kai’s gaze, but looked away again. ‘He’s got quite a good size army now, and I’m fearful of what will happen to us all. If he succeeds in overthrowing me, it would be chaos. They have no idea how to run things up in the Highlands.’
Casually removing a dagger from his boot, Kai stabbed the tip onto the carving he’d made earlier. Garlan quickly snapped his hands out of the way. His nerves were on edge.
‘You’ve not encroached on their land then?’ Wood chips flew onto the floor while Kai continued to stab the log.
‘No! They attacked first.’ He lied.
This wasn’t going well, and Garlan could feel his heart racing. He tried to stay calm, but sweat poured down his temples.
Kai stuck the dagger into the log, and kept his hand on the hilt as he glowered at Garlan.
‘I agree to all the terms.’
Garlan breathed a sigh of relief.
‘But with one extra addition.’ Kai added quickly. Casually pulling the knife from the log, he shoved it back down the side of his boot.
‘I won’t allow my warriors to be used. If you start something, we’re not going to come running.’ He leaned forward and made sure Garlan understood. ‘We’ll defend anyone that attacks, but if you’ve provoked them, or incited the battle to start with, you’re on your own. Do you understand?’
The silence was awkward. Everything was messed up now. Garlan wanted Kai to help him fight the Highlanders, and while he would aid if attacked, that wasn’t what he’d wanted. Getting rid of the Highlanders so he could claim the land was the main reason for this alliance.
Kai turned and glanced over to where Eloise waited. She stared right at him but quickly turned away when she saw him looking. He liked what he saw, and would enjoy taking time to know her better.
Bringing his eyes back to Garlan, Kai new he’d caught him out, and smirked. He’d done his share of fighting; used for profit and entertainment under the whip of his master, he fought as ordered. He wasn’t about to let the past return.
‘What’s the problem?’ Kai’s brows rose.
Garlan feared he could back out of the agreement, and was annoyed he hadn’t got everything he’d wanted. Afraid to negotiate, he thought he’d still get use of Kai at some point, and decided it wasn’t worth making enemies. How would he know what happened anyway? Garlan would get what he wanted, even if he did have to lie to get it.
He’d remembered Eloise’s request and quickly added it to the list before they shook hands.
‘No problem. I’ve just remembered something else.’
‘Eloise’s maidservant, Nissa, could she stay with her?
Kai grinned. He liked the idea of Sabe being speechless for a change.
‘No problem, I’m sure Sabe will be happy to take care of her.’ Kai’s smile broadened.
‘That’s good!’ Garlan paused before continuing. ‘Can I ask what do you think of my daughter?’
‘I think she’s beautiful.’ Kai’s expression was serious, and after he’d spoke, extended his hand for Garlan to shake it.
‘Deal then?’
Garlan took the offered hand and nodded.
‘Yes, it’s all good.’ His voice was a little shaky.
‘We’d better get moving.’ Kai unfolded his body and rising slowly, dusted down his trousers. Holding his hand to Garlan, he offered to help him up.
‘Thank you. I’m not as young as I was, and riding for the last two days has been painful, to say the least.’ He laughed and released Kai’s hand after he was up.
‘My two warriors can ride in the carriages and the spare horses will be for Eloise and Nissa. There’s no point in travelling all together, the carriages will only slow us down.’
Kai started to make his way towards the party and only stopped when he noticed Garlan hadn’t followed; looking over his shoulder, Garlan’s puzzled expression made him frown. He held out his arms in a questioning pose.
‘I’m sorry I’m confused. You want us all to travel back to Blackhill, now?’
Kai shrugged. ‘You’re already two thirds of the way, no point in turning back, only to have to come back again in a few days. Am I right?’ Resting his hands to his hips, he waited for Garlan to answer.
‘Well that does make more sense, yes.’
Garlan hadn’t expected it. But anything to save another two days of traveling back to Brightstone and back was a good idea. It also gave him the opportunity to see the infamous gold mines at Darkmide. He’d heard Kai closed them after his bloody rampage and Roulan was insistent on having a tour.
‘I wonder if I might ask something.’ Garlan felt he and Kai had established a good basis after such a short meeting, and didn’t see any reason to not ask a favor.
Raising a brow Kai waited to hear the request.
‘Would you take myself and Roulan to the Goldmines to have a-’
‘NO!’ Kai barked.
Garlan jumped when Kai leaned towards him with wild eyes.
‘The gold mines in Darkmide are closed, and they stay that way.’
‘I just thought maybe we could have a look.’
Frosty eyes glared at Garlan.
‘I said no, and if you break my order, we’ll call everything off. The mines stay closed.’
‘Forgive me, I meant no offense. I give you my word we’ll honor your wishes.’
Garlan wished he’d never asked and it was Roulan that wanted to see them more than he, annoyed with himself for asking he swallowed nervously. Kai wasn’t happy.
Hating traveling and missing home already, Kai took
a deep breath after his final words with Garlan. It was a sore subject; he’d closed the mines and never wanted them reopening, not even for someone to look around. He chuckled to himself over Garlan’s terrified reaction; one thing about Garlan was right, he was a sniveling coward.
Continuing towards Kai, Sabe noticed his wide grin.
‘Are we making wedding arrangements?’
For his cheek, he earned a bear hug with a growl. When Kai released him, he threw his arm over his shoulder and marched him towards the horses, where Kiera waited.
‘Tell Maika and Saul they’ll be giving up their horses, and traveling back in the carriages with half of the soldiers and the cook. That shouldn’t be a problem, because she’s got all the food and wine.’
He chuckled and released Sabe from his arm hold. Sabe stopped suddenly and stared.
‘They’re coming back with us?’
‘Yes, I think we should get this over with, don’t you?’ He placed his hand on Sabe’s chest, while the other rested on his shoulder. He winked and smirked.
‘I’ve got something that’ll make you happy.’
‘You have?’
‘Oh yes.’
Kai turned Sabe round and pointed him towards Nissa.
‘She’s coming to stay, with Eloise.’
He’d leaned close to Sabe’s ear as his hands landed on his shoulders and squeezed tight. Sabe let out a cry before ducking from grip so he could turn back to face him.
‘You’re serious? How did you pull that off?’
‘I can’t claim the credit for that; she wanted to stay with her mistress. But that’s not all of it. I’ve warned him we’re only aiding if he’s attacked, so if he tries to invade the Highlands, he’s on his own.’ Kai stood up straight, beamed a wide grin and folded his arms over his chest.
‘You did well my friend.’ Sabe slapped his arm. Suddenly remembering about Kiera, he winced and glanced to the horses, were she waited.
‘I need to talk to you about something, when we get home.’
He leaned close and spoke softly. ‘I know what’s wrong with my sister.’
Kai’s brows rose. ‘Is it something I did or you did?’
‘I think we’re both guilty.’ He stepped back. ‘We’ll talk about it when we’re home.’
Turning, he started running towards where Saul and Maika were stationed to give them the good news.
‘Bring the horses Kiera, we’re moving out.’ Kai glanced over to her and smiled before turning his attention towards Eloise. He couldn’t wait to get home.
Chapter 9
It was late afternoon at Stonegarth and Ellanor had spent the last hour choosing her clothing for the journey to Blackhill. Rummaging through the large cedar chest, she’d found the items she thought would be suitable for riding, but she still needed a dress, for when they arrived at Blackhill, and she had to choose carefully. It would be rolled up and shoved in a bag, fastened to the saddle for two days, so the fabric needed to travel well. Linen was out of the question; it creased easily and looked like sack-cloth when wrinkled. But she was sure she’d find something suitable, eventually.
Wanting to make use of the limited space on the horses, Ellanor had chosen a pair of riding breeches, two long sleeved, cotton shirts and a knitted waistcoat. Obviously she’d need her cloak, and chose the warmest one she had. Still in late summer; although the afternoons were warm, a chill would set in later. She knew Caster would curse if she complained she was cold.
She found the riding boots at the bottom of the chest, and after checking for holes, threw them on the bed. Almost ready, only needing underwear and toiletries which, she’d sort in the morning, she was ready to go.
Caster’s bags were packed; he didn’t take any sorting at all. Jace didn’t need any help either; he’d packed his bags soon after his father told him they were going.
Jace would decide which horses they would take, because he rode them all regularly, she wanted to know which was hers. Being an accomplished rider in her younger years, she would find it strenuous to begin with but would be fine after a while.
Her thoughts turned to Caster and the meeting they’d have with Kai of Darkmide; the outcome would be worthwhile. For as long as they’d been together, she’d supported him, in all his activities. There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for him, or anywhere she wouldn’t go to be by his side. If everything turned out how she’d hoped, he could finally put the past to rest.
Leaving the bedroom, Ellanor made her way to the kitchen. She greeted Maisey, their cook, with a smile.
‘Is everything ready?’ Ellanor looked over the food and beamed.
‘I’m just waiting for the pies Mistress.’ She pointed towards the large oven. Ellanor moved closer and took in a deep breath. The smell was wonderful.
Maisey grinned and raised her brows.
‘I know how much you all love game pie. It will last a few days. I’ve got some fruit loaf, and the cheese and cured ham is all ready to be packed.’ She swiped her hands down her apron and beamed a wide grin. Pleased with herself she’d made everything as asked, and on time, she waited to hear if there was anything else Ellanor needed.
‘You’re the best.’ Ellanor moved towards her and gave her a hug.
‘It’s my pleasure Mistress.’ She sighed heavily. ‘I’m going to miss you all!’
‘We’ll only be gone a few days.’
‘I know, but it’s going to be so quiet here.’ She pulled away from Ellanor and scratched her head under the white scarf that covered her hair.
Maisey had a big heart and sometimes worried far too much, but Ellanor adored her, as did Jace and Caster. She’d been with them since Jace was born. Never married or had children, she looked at him as her own son.
‘I’ll leave you to it since you’ve got everything under control.’
Ellanor could hear Jace and Caster in the hall and joined them after leaving the kitchen.
Discussing the horses and deciding how many they would need, Jace listened to his father.
‘If we take an extra horse, maybe Sal, we’ll manage more supplies.’ Caster stood with his arms folded. Hearing Ellanor approach, he turned to smile.
‘We’re almost ready, just deciding on which horses to take.’
‘Good. I’m almost done myself. Maisey’s got everything ready, and there’s just a few tasks remaining, but I’ll do them in the morning.’
Ellanor threaded her arm in Casters. ‘Which horse have you chosen for me?’
Both Jace and Caster turned to look at her and gawked.
Caster raised his brows. ‘Ellanor, why would you need a horse? You’re not coming with us.’
Jace took a deep breath.
Ellanor glared at them both. ‘I’m not letting you two go without me! This is important to all our lives!’
Caster thought for a moment; he was unsure what would happen when they reached Blackhill and felt she’d be safer at home. This was going to be a problem.
Unfolding his arms, he tried to hold her hands, but Ellanor quickly pulled them out of reach and placed them on her hips, scowling. Jace held back a grin and lowered his head; enjoying watching his father squirm.
‘My love, don’t you think you’re a little… old to be riding.’
Raising his head quickly, Jace hissed and screwed up his face.
Ellanor gasped then shoved Caster with all her weight against the wall. Surprised at her outburst, his arms raised to shield his body, thinking she would lash out with her fist next. She pinned him to the wall with all her weight, and stood on tiptoes to look at him. With blazing red cheeks, her temper was high.
Jace had always seen his mother as a gentle, caring woman. He hoped one day, when he found someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, she’d be demure, just as his mother was. But today, he was looking at her with different eyes. It was amusing, in a strange kind of way. For his safety he remained quiet and watched his mother lay into his father.
‘So, I’m too old am I?’ She prodded her index finger at his chest. ‘I wasn’t ‘too old’ this morning in bed, was I?’
Caster’s mouth gaped. Ellanor continued her lashing before he could muster up a thought.
‘It wasn’t me that kept stopping to catch their breath now, was it?’
‘Jace, go and see if Maisey needs any help in the kitchen.’ Caster didn’t want Jace to hear about their bedroom antics.
Jace was about to move but his mother pointed her finger at him before he took a step.
‘Stay right where you are!’ Her eyes never left Casters. She wasn’t letting either of these two out of her sight until this was sorted.
‘Now listen here, you old goat.’ She brought her finger back to Caster’s chest, and poked him hard with each of her last three words.
Jace couldn’t hold in a giggle, and covered his mouth when his father glared at him.
‘We’re ALL going to Blackhill. This is a family matter, and I’ve got just as much right to be there as either of you two!’
Caster daren’t open his mouth. Never in all their years of marriage had he ever seen her so angry.
Ellanor took a deep breath; she’d made herself heard and wasn’t about to back down now. Without looking at Jace, she gave Caster his orders.
‘I don’t care which horse I ride. You can choose whichever you think will be best for me.’
Jace didn’t reply and looked to his father. Shrugging his shoulders, he questioned what he should do. Caster gave a slight nod. Ellanor saw him and stepped back. Folding her arms, she narrowed her eyes at Caster.
‘Glad we have that sorted. I’ll be upstairs, finishing my packing, if you need me!’ Glaring at Jace as she turned to leave, she marched across the hallway and was out of sight up the stairs before he could speak.