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- Nicholls, Julie
Demon Within Page 10
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Page 10
‘Oh, I see.’ Eloise paused before continuing and nodded towards her father, ‘I hope there’s going to be plenty of food?’
Nissa stifled a giggle when Eloise bit her lip and grinned. She didn’t usually make fun of her father, but she couldn’t resist.
As they approached the gate a foul smell hit everyone, making them cover their faces. Sabe forgot about the thieves hung up at the sides of the main gate. Reaching for the reins of Eloise’s horse, he kicked his forward and moved both of them along, with Nissa trying to keep up as he hurried. Unable to avoid the corpses, Eloise balked.
Nailed to boards by their shoulders and arms, both men were headless. Their heads hung from ropes tied around their feet. Noticing the hands were missing, Eloise squinted and saw them nailed above their shoulders. One of them had been cut open. But there was nothing left inside the cavity. Rotting and partly eaten, they barely resembled men. Swallowing hard, Eloise closed her eyes as Sabe lead her through the gate. Nissa’s stomach was a little stronger, and she couldn’t help gawping, she’d never seen anything so vile.
‘What did they do?’ Nissa asked.
‘They were thieves.’
Both Eloise and Nissa gasped. Eloise thought it seemed extreme for thieving. Moving away from the smell, they could finally remove their hands from their faces. Looking at Roulan he must have been enjoying looking at the blood and gore; he sneered at her over his shoulder before he turned his head back.
Roulan looked around the large courtyard. The vast buildings, with its archways and terraces looked impressive. He leaned towards his father to speak.
‘It’s a little grand for a slave. I’m guessing the previous owners are the ones nailed to the gate.’ He chuckled, but quickly stopped when his father glared.
‘Lower your voice!’ He snarled.
Garlan looked at the people gathered along the road, and gave them a halfhearted smile. Turning to look past Roulan as Sabe pulled up, he continued his smile.
‘Be careful Prince, you may be joining them.’ Sabe gave Roulan a harsh glare before spurring his horse forward.
Garlan hissed. ‘You’ll get us killed! Keep your mouth shut!’ Garlan was no fool, and while he maybe King in Middenland, he wasn’t here. This was Kai’s territory.
The household staff gathered and waited for the guests to arrive. Following orders from Kai, relayed by Kiera, all of their rooms were ready. A moderate feast awaited them once they’d freshened up.
As the party approached, the stable hands took their mounts. Garlan thought he’d never be able to walk again after he finally managed to climb down from his horse. The others followed his lead, they could barely stand. Riding all-day, and with only a short rest here and there for nature calls, it took them a few moments to regain their posture.
The stable hands lead away the horses, leaving everyone standing outside the main terrace and entrance to the building. It was early evening and dark. The lanterns and torches lit up the courtyard and Eloise looked around. It wasn’t what she expected.
Kai appeared from under the porch and moved towards the main door. Sorry the journey took so long, and if there had been more notice, he would have prepared a better reception for his guests.
‘Welcome to my home.’
Garlan smiled and nodded. Stepping forward, he held out his hand to Kai.
‘Thank you. We’re very pleased to be here. I speak for all of us, of course.’
He felt uneasy. Roulan’s comments, heard by Sabe had him worried. They’d be in trouble if he relayed it to Kai. He would speak with his son in private and make sure he wasn’t so stupid in the future.
Sabe moved to Kai’s side and whispered in his hear, Kai nodded.
‘My staff will show you to your rooms. Wash and rest a while, then we’ll feast.’
Kai steered the guests to follow the women that appeared from under the terrace. Following, like lost sheep, Garlan was first, quickly shadowed by Roulan and then the others. Kai watched Eloise as she passed him and looked forward to speaking with her later. Nissa took her hand and gave it a squeeze as they hurried after everyone else.
Eloise breathed a huge sigh when they reached their assigned quarters. She and Nissa had separate rooms and hers was larger, and with a smaller room off to the side. A copper bath stood in the middle of it, making her beam a wide smile.
‘I’m going to keep my promise.’ She trailed her fingers along the top of the bath. ‘You won’t get me out of here for hours.’ They giggled, remembering the previous night’s conversation.
Nissa looked around, checking the vanity unit; opening the drawers she pulled out linen and various bottles with oils and perfumes.
‘I didn’t expect this at all.’ Her eyes widened with each new item she found in a drawer or cupboard. Holding up two gold hair combs, she gasped.
‘Eloise! Look at these, they’re beautiful.’ She quickly marched towards her mistress. ‘Do you think they’re a gift for you, from Kai?’
Shrugging her shoulders. ‘I don’t know, but, this is my room, so they must be.’
Eloise stared at the combs and thought about the story Dori had told her. Gold didn’t have the same luster it once held; she put them on the dresser and walked back into the main room.
Quickly following, Nissa brushed her hand over the linen covering the bed.
‘It's beautiful. Where do you suppose it all came from?’ Pressing both hands on the bed, she tested it for softness then climbed on top. Throwing herself backwards, she squealed.
‘You’re going to love this bed! Come and try it.’ Nissa held her hand out to Eloise, but noticed the sadness appearing and quickly sat up.
Panic suddenly struck Eloise. Every time she’d thought about the wedding, it hadn’t felt real; it was a dream. Looking around the room now, the realization hit her. Tears ran down her cheeks, and when Nissa sprang off the bed to hold her, she broke down.
‘Oh Eloise, I’m sure everything will be fine.’ Nissa tried to comfort her, but in reality she was just as fearful. She had no idea what to expect in the coming days, but she couldn’t let Eloise know she was afraid too. Holding Eloise tightly, she fell silent. No words would comfort her mistress right now.
Drinking wine from a large cup, Kai enjoyed a moment of peace and quiet before supper. Not in a partying mood, he hoped everyone would retire early. It would be a trying three days, and not known for his patience, he feared he might upset someone. Preparations would start tomorrow for the wedding; he hoped he didn’t have to deal with any lawbreakers while the guests were here; they wouldn’t understand his methods of punishment. No one had commented, so far, about the bodies hanging at the gate. Forgetting all about them until he’d smelled the rotting flesh, he wished they’d been removed.
Kai hadn’t planned for the wedding to be at Blackhill. When first discussed, he’d not given any thoughts about it. But that morning, meeting Eloise, he knew he didn’t want to wait. If the King and his party had gone back to Brightstone, who knew how long it would take for them to make the arrangements. This way, he controlled when and where. Knowing his reputation had reached every region, holding the wedding here was the best solution. Grateful he had Sabe to delegate and organize everything, he took another large mouthful of wine and closed his eyes as he leaned his head against the back of the chair.
‘Is there any left?’
Kai’s moment of tranquility ended as Sabe joined him. Kicking out a chair, Sabe sat opposite him and drummed his fingers on the table. The cooks had laid out a few platters of cold meats, and were still preparing the rest.
‘You look dreadful, I hope you’re going to bed early tonight.’
Kai smirked; used to Sabe’s jibes, ignored him and took another drink.
Sabe puffed out an irritated breath with raised brows. He rested his elbows on the table, and waved Kai to lean forward.
‘Do you want me to tell you what’s wrong with Kiera or should I save it for tomorrow?’ Smirking, he rested hi
s face on his hand.
After a short pause, and a glare, Kai finally gave him what he wanted.
‘Come on then, out with it, before everyone gets here.’ Slamming his empty cup on the table, he reached for a bottle of wine and filled it back up. Sipping slowly, he knew Sabe would make him wait and shoved a piece of cold meat in his mouth.
Sabe loved testing Kai’s patience, and in four years, he’d never received a punch, yet. He prided himself on his astonishing feat.
‘It seems my sister is jealous of Eloise.’ He spoke in a calm, monotone voice.
Kai raised his brows.
‘She’s not spoken to me since this morning, and if someone doesn’t explain to her... that she wasn’t in the running anyway, it’s going to be very unpleasant around here.’
Sabe didn’t move and his face still rested on his hand. He waited for Kai to make a comment and blinked a few times, when he didn’t.
‘Kai, did you hear what I said?’ Slamming his hand flat on the table, making the cutlery jump, he dipped his head towards Kai. ‘Someone needs to talk to her, and tell her you’re not interested.’
‘Someone?’ Kai arched a brow.
Huffing out a breath and leaning back in the chair, Sabe clutched the edge of the table with both hands. ‘She’s not talking to me, and I think it would be better, if it came from you.’
‘Why do I have to do it? It’s only you she’s ignoring.’ Kai chuckled.
‘I tried to tell her this morning! She’ll accept it if you tell her!’
Rising from the table, he leaned over and pursed his lips. ‘She’ll listen to you. Please talk to her.’ Pushing out his bottom lip, ‘Please?’
Groaning, Kai placed his cup on the table, ‘What did I do to deserve this?’
Sabe grinned. Rubbing his hand on Kai’s head, he messed up his hair but snatched it away as Kai growled.
‘You’re going to pay for this, you know that don’t you?
‘You don’t have to do it until tomorrow. Kiera’s gone to bed, and won’t be joining the dinner.’
Rubbing his hands together and stepping away from the table, he grinned over his shoulder. ‘I’ll go and fetch our guests. Don’t drink all the wine before they get here, okay?’
Kai scowled and watched him leave before refilling his empty cup.
Garlan was tired. He’d been stretched out on the bed ever since he took a ‘few’ moments to ease his weary bones. But reluctantly, he washed and himself presentable before waiting eagerly for an escort to take him to supper. They’d not eaten real food since breakfast. Snacking on a pie, in his mind, didn’t count. Holding his stomach as it growled one more time, he wondered if he should go and seek out the dining room. They could have forgotten him. He’d made up his mind to leave, when someone knocked on the door.
‘Come in!’ Rising from the bed, he marched forward but when greeted with Roulan, he huffed out an irritated sigh.
‘Forgive me father, I thought I might have a word?’
Easing into Garlan’s room, Roulan closed the door behind him. His father had already made his way back to bed. Roulan knew he was already pushing his luck, but had to speak with his father before they left for dinner. He’d already voiced his concerns once during the day, but he’d been cut off before he could finish. In three days, Eloise would be married to Kai and he didn’t like it.
Roulan took a few tentative steps towards Garlan as he sat on the edge of the bed. Daring to approach the subject again, he began.
‘I think Kai manipulated you, father. He’s wriggled out of backing us when we fight against the Highlanders.’
Garlan’s eyes rose to look at Roulan. He didn’t make any other movement and gave him a disapproving glare.
Roulan nibbled his lip nervously. Garlan paused a moment, then rose up to face his son.
‘Manipulated you say?’
Roulan closed his eyes and regretted the statement. But it was too late to take it back.
‘You’re getting on my nerves, do you know that Roulan? I’m sick of hearing you whine about Kai and the alliance.’
Garlan’s face turned red as his temper rose. Tired, hungry, every muscle and bone in his body ached, and he’d had enough. He’d listened to Roulan’s constant whining for the last two days. He dared to speak of manipulation, when Roulan had tried to do exactly that, since this whole plan started.
‘I don’t have to explain myself to you!’ He prodded Roulan with his finger. ‘I’ve got exactly what I wanted.’ His face drew closer to his son’s and Roulan winced as his voice became louder. ‘I don’t know what you’re up to, but I’ll tell you something; this wedding, will take place. Eloise will marry Kai of Darkmide, and you, will respect my wishes.’
Sidestepping he made for the door, but hesitated and turned back to Roulan.
‘This is your last warning. If I hear you whine one more time, it will be your body nailed to the front gate. Do you understand?’
Garlan was ready to explode and sweat poured down his red face. Roulan couldn’t look at him; he kept his head down as he replied.
‘Yes, father, of course, whatever you say.’
Roulan continued staring at the ground until he heard the door open then slam shut. Exhaling, he wiped the sweat from his brow. His face grimaced at his father’s words; he wasn’t going to let it end here. He had plans, and while he’d not expected to be here in Blackhill so soon, he may as well take advantage of the situation.
Marching out of the room and down the hall, his temper simmered. His father was almost down the stairs and Roulan slowed to let the distance between them widen. Approaching Eloise and Nissa’s rooms, he bumped into Nissa as she entered the hallway alone. Closing the door quietly behind her, Nissa jumped when he spoke.
‘Where’s Eloise?’ he snapped.
Nissa leaned against the door. Avoiding eye contact with him, she answered. ‘Sleeping, she’s exhausted.’
‘Where are you going?’ Roulan frowned.
‘I’m going to get something to eat.’
‘No you’re not. Stay here with Eloise.’ He walked a few paces then glanced over his shoulder and added. ‘Lock the door.’
Nissa’s mouth gaped wide. They hadn’t eaten all day, they were hungry. While Eloise was sleeping now, she’d be awake soon and would need something. Taking a deep breath, she quietly opened the door and entered the room. She was about to close it when she heard Roulan’s voice, down the hall. He was speaking to Sabe. Waiting a few moments, she poked her head around the door. Sabe’s handsome face greeted her.
‘Hello there.’
Nissa blushed as she looked up to see mesmerizing eyes. ‘Hello.’ She managed, in a soft voice.
Sabe frowned at her anxiety and looked back down the hall. ‘It's okay, he’s gone.’ He grinned. ‘Only three days to go.’
‘You mean the wedding?’
‘Well, yes, the wedding, but I was meaning, three more days, and then he’ll be gone.’ He chuckled.
‘I’ll have someone bring a tray of food, for you and Eloise. We can’t have you starving now can we? Sabe held his hands behind his back and bowed, making her giggle. ‘Anything in particular you’d like?’
‘No, nothing, whatever there is, will be fine. Thank you. You’re very kind.’
‘Well, my sister doesn’t think so!’ He laughed.
Nissa giggled and lowered her head. It wasn’t like her to be so tongue-tied, but he was charming and witty, she couldn’t help it. His dark and mischievous eyes, made her stomach twist, it was impossible to stare into them. He smiled so much, and had the most infectious laugh; she couldn’t find any fault with him. Remembering Roulan’s last words, she couldn’t find the key for the lock and wondered if Sabe knew where it was.
‘Do you know where the key is?’ Determined not to look away this time, she held his gaze.
‘Why would you need a key?’
‘To lock the door.’ She smiled and pointed to the empty lock.
be chuckled and toed the ground before speaking. ‘Do you honestly think anyone would be foolish enough, to break into your room?’ His head cocked to the side.
‘Well, I suppose not, but Roulan ordered me too.’
Surprised Nissa still didn’t understand there was no need for a lock; he scratched the side of his face and took a deep breath.
‘You’ve seen what we do to thieves, on the way in?’
Nissa’s eyes widened as she remembered the two men nailed to the gate with their hands and heads chopped off. She nodded. He leaned closer to whisper.
‘Can you imagine what we do to rapists?’
Nissa gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. Seeing Sabe wiggle his brows, she laughed. Feeling a little better, she glanced back in the room towards Eloise; she was waking from her nap.
‘I should go, Eloise is awake.’ She gave an apologetic look and wished they could continue a little while longer.
Bowing and placing his hand over his chest, Sabe flashed a wide smile and stepped away from the door.
‘I’ll speak with the kitchen staff and have someone bring your supper. I’ll say goodnight and look forward to seeing you in the morning.’ He gave her a final stare, followed by a wicked grin and walked quickly down the hall.
Nissa closed the door and hurried over to Eloise. ‘Are you feeling a little better?’
Eloise nodded and stretched out. Raising her arms above her head, she arched her back and groaned. ‘I’m still tired, and I ache everywhere. Did we miss supper?’
‘No, Sabe’s going to have something brought to us here.’ She wasn’t sure if she should tell Eloise about Roulan. Deciding it wasn’t important, she wondered if Eloise wanted to go to the dining room now, with everyone else.
‘We don’t have to eat in our room. But you were asleep, and I didn’t know if you would wake in time.’
‘I feel dirty and until I can take a bath, I’d prefer to stay here.’ She took Nissa’s hand and smiled. ‘I think after a glass of wine, I’ll be asleep anyway.’